Cialis® Together is on a mission to open up the conversation and break the taboo around men's sexual health and Erection Difficulties.

view from above on peekataboo installation at Kings Cross spelling ED

Sometimes we can’t see what’s staring us in the face

Cialis® Together has created an experiential installation at Kings Cross Station in London to start opening the conversation around the condition. On closer inspection, you will notice our installation is created to spell out ED when looking at it from above.
Sometimes it’s just about a change of perspective.


You can see below what people saw inside the peekataboo installation to help us break the taboo.

The Taboo

Myths and truths about men and intimacy

The Shock

What the data reveals

The Real Stories

Men opening up

cialis together logo

Cialis® Together helps you respond naturally, when sexually aroused, for up to 36 hours

Available without prescription in-pharmacy or online

How it works

Join the conversation.


Our commitment

The #peekataboo installation has been carefully crafted with sustainability in mind. Wherever possible, we have adapted to use reused, recycled, or recyclable materials. Additionally, materials have been hired rather than purchased solely for the installation. We're also bringing #peekataboo to different events across the UK getting more life out of this installation as we continue to break the stigma around ED. For more information about our commitment to sustainability please visit our page sustainability-at-sanofi.

MAT-XU-2302895 v1.0 August 2023